WARDEX Town Hall - Bullhead City

Thursday, February 6, 2025 (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM) (MST)


Do you want to have a voice in the MLS? Be a part of the decision-making process? Help guide the future of your MLS? Join other subscribers at the bimonthly WARDEX Town Hall meeting and join in lively discussion. The first portion of the meeting is for subscribers to have an open platform to share thoughts or concerns. Each person will have 3 min. to share, and those topics/concerns will be taken into consideration for future meetings or if we have time we will address at the end of the meeting. Just like a city hall! If you have items/ideas you want to be discussed let us know and we can add to the agenda. Send an email with the topic to Kim@wardex.net Topics - Strategic Plan, MLS Day Planning, Data Shares, New Listing Manager and Input.
Bullhead City Mohave Valley Association of Realtors
841 Hancock Road
Bullhead City, AZ 86442 United States
Event Contact
Wardex MLS
(928) 704-2800
Send Email
Thursday, February 6, 2025 (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM) (MST)
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